Skull Activation with
On August 21st, in Evanston, IL, in the backyard of the home of a close friend,
who had traveled with my wife Vera, to Peru in 1993, we had an Activation
conducted by Star Johnson, who has worked with "Max", the Texas Crystal Skull
(see contact information in our Crystal Skull Resource section). In the
center of our circle, we placed the mold of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull
as well as photographs of this ancient crystal skull as well.
We were probably joined by about 20 friends. Below are some comments that
were made during this session as people shared their experiences. First Star explains what the Activations are about:
Star: I want to share a little bit about my relationship with Max. That is the only skull that I have worked with so far. I've known Max for eight years now. And I've had some really remarkable experiences with Max - mind blowing experiences. It's really quite a journey that I'd like to share with you. [Various group members talk to prepare for the activation.] Joshua: Are we supposed to be in a meditative position? Star: You can be in whatever position that would feel is best for ... energy fields and opening up the grid as much as we can, so I'll be running around talking in a weird language and also, my job also is as a facilitator to assist other people in being able to experience these energies, so I will be also going around and working with your energies also to assist so that you can receive also. I'd like to ask you (speaking to Gloria, who Joshua had shown the mold to and had some problems) before we begin, what bothered you about the mold? ( Editor's Note: -- I had showed the mold to Gloria sometime in the fall of 1993, and she had a problem when she gazed into the eyes, so Star was asking her about this experience ... )
Star: It pulls you into it? Gloria: Yes. And it was a very negative experience for me. I - evil? Something evil in it. Star: Were you afraid of the experience of being pulled in? Gloria: Yes. Star: You see, what I feel about the skulls is that our unified presence - our oversoul - okay? Do you understand that we have an oversoul that collectively we are a part of that oversoul. And what I feel - what I've been receiving through Max is that this oversoul is gathering together its fragments so that - this is part of our ascension as a body of light - because the oversouls are also making their ascension into the next level. So this feeling of being drawn in - Max does that too. And it is drawing together the pieces into a oneness. So I know that it is a little scary at first. It was for me too. But it is not a negative thing. It is part of the oneness. It is part of letting go of some more of the walls of separation that keep us from being one. And fear is part of that separation. Of course, sometimes when people have horrible memories when they are with a crystal skull and they see human sacrifice and all these kinds of things - maybe in their cellular memory they experienced some of that in whatever you want to call it - past lives or ancestral memories - because the skulls are the old wise ones and they've been here the longest and they've seen it all. The way that I am working with the skull - its energy - is from a spiritual level and not from a psychic level and there is a difference. There is a big difference there. And myself, I am not so much interested in all the stories and the pictures as maybe some other people are interested in. What I am interested in is on the spiritual level - bringing us together in oneness and in assisting the planet with these energies to attain - to move into the next level. Okay, are we ready? I don't know who is going to come through today. I don't know - Max may decide to come through - maybe Smiley (Mitchell-Hedges Skull) here - I don't know. We're just going to do it, okay? We're just going to do it. So I invite everybody to go into a meditative mood - and centering - and if you feel like singing, if you feel like dancing, if you start feeling sacred languages coming through you - please don't anybody in this group hold back.
Star: You felt the circuitry? Donette: Oh yeah. Star: You felt the circuitry going in? Donette: Oh yeah, and a lot of what you were doing with the language is really nice - it had a little bit of a Hebrew touch to it. Opening the rainbow bridge. And I felt some reptilian energy here and kind of an insect praying mantis energy. Very lovely though. Very seraphim-ish and it was good. It was like an in-breath and an out-breath to the group. We really did become one. But there was the resistance, but that was fun. Well, that is part of the experience. Star: That right. April: The first interesting thing that came up for me is that this is the second time I have heard this language in the past month. I had a friend call me on the phone and simply start talking to me in this language very recently - like two or three weeks ago. He just called me and just started going and then sort of laughed it off afterwards but told me that it was his clone calling me. It's a close friend of mine. But I recognized the language immediately. I mean, the words were all the same language, absolutely, which is not surprising coming from this person. Star: This was a different language today than usually comes through with Max. April: Do you have any sense of the origins? Star: Well, I don't know. As you [pointing to Donette] said today, it had a lot of old Hebrew... April: I got a sense of Atlantean. That's what came, you know. Donette: Andromeda. Star: Yeah. Andromedan? Uh huh. Joshua: I thought it was Jewish. Donette: There was some - it felt like an old Rabbi standing there. Star: It seems like the energy of the Mitchell-Hedges skull which I felt more when we were working with today than with Max, has different origins and yes, it's kind of a Hebraic lineage sound - Andromedan yes. Donette: ... and that's the spiral too. Star: Yes. Whereas Max is more from Orion. Donette: I felt them communicating though. Star: Yes. Donette: And then I felt my body holding that. It was really nice. Really nice. Star: Yes. The interplay of the male and female vibrations? Donette: Yes. Yes. It was really strong. It was really strong. April: I saw a lot of purple and gold and green - those three colors. Purple and gold and green. Donette: ... blue ... April: I didn't see the blue. Star: The blue sort of shot - spewed! Donette: Yes. Really strong. And then there was like a golden interplay with the blue. It was like the Mitchell-Hedges was here - that energy pattern was here. And we created it because at first it wasn't here. We fueled it and then it responded. Star: Yes. We had to align all the energy fields first. I put a crystal - I put one of the apported stones inside this skull to help us and this stone I call the remembering stone. April: Well there is it. That's the color. Fay: That's the color you were seeing? April: Yeah, that's the color. That's it. That's exactly the color. Star: Well the light coming from the skull is awakening us to see what we remember. April: I had a real experience with some healing energy with this skull. Star: Good. April: I felt the give and take. Donette: I felt it travelling around too and placing itself over other people's holy grails, so to speak. You know, kind of getting the neural pathways connected more to accept the higher vibration and work with it - gave it life and expression. Star: Yes, did anyone else feel the unified presence going into the heart of the Earth? Donette: Oh yes. Star: And a real anchoring. Donette: Yes. Gloria: Real hard - as if somebody stood right here [points to the ground in front of her] pounding - all of a sudden right here - and I open my eyes, and there's nobody here. You know, it shook the ground right in front of me. Star: It shook the ground? Gloria: Yes. Donette: That's really weird - I sensed the iron in the center of the Earth really needing it. That's when I felt the blue come through - just a nice saturation to the core of the Earth. She was really appreciative I think. Star: Do you feel a return energy coming up from the Earth too? And it's changed. Donette: Yes. Immediately. Almost like an earthquake! . Pat: I didn't connect with your colors or even the finality of this. In fact, this ended too soon for me. I was - my body was shaking periodically and I put my head down on my knee which caused a lot of pressure on my third eye and I started humming and I felt that there - that I was trying to make an attunement with perhaps three types of beings. I had a sensation of - that the feminine one was a - yeah, was a connection with the Mitchell- Hedges entity. There was one I would - I don't know if I would call it masculine - definitely was not human - and I was making deep guttural sounds and the dog kept barking when this one kept coming through. In fact, I'm still having residual stuff from it. The - and so, this - yeah, this event seemed to terminate too soon because when I opened my eyes at the end I kept expecting to see a ship. I felt that there was some sort of manifestation. And it's not that I don't think they aren't there. It's just that I wish we could really see a physical presence. But, yes, I felt there was more than just humans here. Jim: There seemed to be a purple and orange band around everybody here until I opened my eyes to see where she was because I couldn't quite tell by listening. There seemed to be a blue oval that was floating around in the group. And then I asked a question - something I'd been thinking about for a while - and I was shown a picture of how to build something that I'm working on. So it showed me - I didn't want to ask any lottery numbers but I'm getting brave and then I'm going to go to that. [Laughter]
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